Now that Spring has arrived and our HLF funding is about to come on line we are looking to increase our activity down at Mellor Mill. There are a number of tasks, which do not involve excavating on your hands and knees, which need to be done and we are looking for volunteers to help out. Can you spend a few hours at weekends making a contribution to this locally important project?
Tasks which immediately need addressing include:
1, Strimming of undergrowth around the main mill area
2. Cutting of ivy growth around trees
3. Additional guides to show visitors around the site
4. Pathway preparation
5. Clearing an area ready for temporary toilets and welfare cabin
6. Recording and bagging of finds
7. Topographic survey of remains uncovered so far
Appropriate training will be given to enable you to carry out these tasks. All equipment supplied.
If you are able to offer some time for any of the above then please contact me either by email
Of course, we are always ready to welcome volunteers who want to be involved in the archaeological dig as well.