As the summer turns its face towards autumn and begins to give way, the long wait is over for those beavering behind the scenes; the dawn of Sunday 8th September heralded the Fact & Fun Day of 2019. Volunteers scanned their print-offs, when would they be needed and where, those jobs just had to be done! Gazebos to erect, fingers fiddling with fittings, displays, artefacts, flyers to fill tables, the beginnings - the hors d'oeuvre of the day. The sun breaking through the clouds, good weather was with us, and the show was about to begin.
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 8422
Mellor Mill: Mowing - Painting - Strimming - Weeding aka (Mill TLC)
“They think it’s all over, some people are…...Well it is now"
Not so! Mellor mill built at the cusp of the industrial revolution enters into another period of transition, another cusp. Following the culmination of excavations and landscaping, another phase of mill’s life is to begin. Becoming the central attraction in the Mellor Mill Heritage Park, a role that will be played over the next twenty five years or so that lie ahead, this will be the legacy stage of the Heritage Lottery Fund Award.
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 7747
On the 28 February 2019 Mellor Archaeological Trust (MAT) ran the first of the UK STORM emergency drill testing the STORM dashboard and response application. A sudden-onset hazard scenario was tested. This took as its premise a severe weather event: Intense Rainfall which could lead to flooding at the Mill site.
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 8551
1-day cultural heritage and climate change seminar, Mellor, UK
On 11 December 2018 Mellor Archaeological Trust and the University of Salford hosted an admission-free seminar at the Mellor Parish Centre, close to the Mellor pilot site. The seminar focussed on the issue of climate change effects on cultural heritage in the UK and beyond. The seminar was attended by over 40 guests including STORM partners, other local and national CH projects and the general public.
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 9145
An acronym was originally just the initial letters of an institution or a project, used as a shorthand by people involved. However, the modern trend is for governmental agencies to think of the acronym first and then find a mission statement that can fit (or sort of fit).
STORM is the contrived acronym for an EU programme designed to assess the impact of climate change on archaeological sites. The full title is...
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 8551
‘Their Christmas starts here’ to paraphrase the clarion call of ‘Ready –Steady Go’, ‘The weekend starts here'. That Friday evening programme that must have been essential viewing for many of the day’s diners, when they were nowt but lads and lasses, the sallow youths of many a year ago.
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- Category: Past Event Reports
- Hits: 10863