
From John Riley to Ann Hearle: Thanks for the postcard image – attached is a recent photograph of what is left of the chimney. My deceased father, who lived in Stone Row from birth until just before its demolition – told me that as a small child he used to scramble up the inclined flue to the top of the hill – for fun !

The chimney visible over the trees.The chimney visible over the trees.

From Ann to John: Many thanks for the photo. Do you know when the chimney came down?

From John: My father was born in 1919 so if he was crawling through and out at the top of the flue it would suggest that the chimney was down by the mid 1920's at the latest. Given the dimensions of the flue he and his siblings must have been quire earless(stupid ?)  to crawl up its length - as if that wasn't dangerous enough he actually broke an arm falling from one of the circular hollows on the canal aqueduct.

Bob comments: So now I know where you get your adventurous spirit from, John!!