
John Hearle writes:

It takes two or three months for the bureaucratic stages that lead to “permission to proceed” from HLF, but we are on track to submit the full application in May. The Steering Group, consisting of Nick Smith and Fiona Turpin (CRT) and John Hearle and Bob Humphrey-Taylor (MAT) has met twice with Nick Herepath, the grants officer from HLF. A larger management board has been set up. The Chairman is Norman Redhead, County Archaeologist, and the additional members are Alison Allcard (Marple Locks Heritage Society), Paul Hartley (SMBC), Ann Hearle (Marple Local History Society), Sue Ingham (Marple Vision Partnership), and Gillian Postill (Marple Civic Society).

 The Management Board posing for a Press Release

The management board posing for a press release.

A number of consultants have been appointed to provide inputs to the full application:

  • Conservation Management and Access: Architectural History Practice (AHP);
  • Activity Plan: Parkin Heritage and Tourism;
  • Digital Technology and Learning: Stardotstar and Helen Manchester, Bristol University;
  • Mellor Mill Survey: Bob Humphrey-Taylor;
  • Limekilns Desk Based Assessment: Peter Arrowsmith;
  • Education and Community Involvement: Don Henson and Rob Isherwood.

Something that encourages me and gives me confidence for the future is that all the consultants are extremely enthusiastic about the project when they view the site and see its potential. In addition to meetings with the consultants, we had a digital learning strategy workshop at the Roman Lakes tearooms, when teachers and others presented their ideas in a brain-storming session led by Helen Manchester.

Much of the mill site itself has been explored with the work over the last two years, though there is still a need for trial trenches of the back wall and the engine house area. Bob has had a digger clearing bits of the area nearer the river and Rachel and others have been trial-trenching to find corners of workshops and the gasworks. Bob is planning a foray to find remains of Oldknow’s mansion and garden. For more on all these practical activities, follow Bob’s diary.